What do you do when you're in a situation where you need to converse with an employee, a business partner, a supplier, or a customer, but they don't speak your language?
Simple answer, right? You get an interpreter. Someone who can listen to what you say and translate that into the language of the person or people you’re speaking to.
You know you need an interpreter proficient in the two languages involved, but what type of interpretation services do you need? Not sure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
As a Language Services Provider (LSP), we frequently work with clients who don’t know what type of interpretation they need. And nor should they. That’s our job: to understand the best solution for the need.
However, it does help to have some knowledge of the interpretation options so you can have an understanding of what’s likely to work for you.
Here's a quick overview of the different types of interpretation and which ones lend themselves to different situations.
3 Basic Types of Interpretation
Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)
With VRI, you get interpreters ready to talk to you along with the other party via a video conferencing app. Given that 93% of communication is non-verbal, this is a great way to get the full picture remotely.
Over-The-Phone Interpretation (OPI)
With OPI, there's an interpreter on the end of a phone for you. Simple to use, instantly accessible, and at a reasonable price, OPI ticks a lot of boxes for simple and quick interpretation.
In-Person Interpretation
In-person is the best form of interpretation if you have the time to plan it and the budget to facilitate it. Having an interpreter in the room with you leaves nothing to chance.
The Advantages of Each: When is it Best to use Them?
Three different options, each with their own advantages.
Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)
For when it’s important to see the person doing the interpreting, but you don’t have the budget or time to get an interpreter in the room with you.
Maybe the location is remote, maybe there wasn’t enough time to get the right interpreter there or maybe the budget couldn’t afford the full day rates and travel expenses to have an interpreter in the room. You’ll still get the value of seeing the interpreter.
Especially great for sign language interpretation which, for obvious reasons, can’t be done over the phone, but you will need a stable internet connection.
Over-The-Phone Interpretation (OPI)
If you only have a moment’s notice and you suddenly need an interpreter, OPI is your best option. For example, if you’re a doctor and you have a patient who doesn’t speak English.
Also, the right option if you have to be budget-conscious, or you’re in a remote location without internet options.
Another situation where OPI is useful, or even required, is when dealing with a sensitive topic where it’s best to have as few people in the room as possible.
Maybe you’re taking a deposition about a difficult criminal act and sensitivity or security, such as having as few people as possible being able to identify the person giving the deposition, are of paramount importance.
In-Person Interpretation
If you can book your interpreter in advance and have the budget to pay them and their travel expenses, then there’s no substitute to having a translator in the room with you.
We’d always recommend in-person interpreters for group situations, because interpreters might need to read the room, pick up on body language and non-verbal cues, and help keep a conversation flowing so people aren’t speaking over each other.
If your meeting requires that you show respect and mark the situation with a level of importance, then having an in-person interpreter says to your audience that they’re worth it. It says you really want to communicate clearly with them and are willing to go to any length to make it happen.
Which Interpretation Service is Right for You?
It might well be that no single interpretation service is right. You might have a mixture of needs.
Maybe you have important in-person meetings with a supplier business in Asia on a quarterly basis, while also needing to be able to respond to their challenges as they arise, on the same day.
Whether VRI, OPI, in-person interpretation or a combination of the three is right for your company, the safest way to get what you want is with the help of a good LSP.They’ll talk you through the options, look at the lead time (how much notice you have), your budget and put the best solution in place for you.
Get A Quote for Your Interpretation Needs
If you’re looking for someone to help you with interpretation requirements, then we’d love to sit down and talk with you about it.
Consultations are free and there’s no obligation.
With Lingualinx, you won't ever have to worry about your message getting lost as it’s interpreted or translated. You know you're in good hands as we’re ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 compliant, have over twenty years of professional translation experience, and have earned the trust of organizations around the world.