"Microlearning" is a term that we’ve heard from many of our friends in the eLearning, training, and talent development industries. This prompted us to take a closer look and see how this relates to eLearning localization.
What is Microlearning?
Microlearning is often referred to as a learning “nugget” – about 3-5 minutes long – that meets a specific learning objective. Content is taught and delivered to learners in small, specific bursts. Media used include short videos, short assessments or quizzes, real-world exercises, and gamifications. Also, learners can access this content on multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, etc.
Why is Microlearning Growing?
Microsoft Corporation did a 2015 study on attention spans and determined that the human attention span has 3 types: sustained, selective, and alternating. For all types of attention spans, the digital lifestyle is “changing the brain, decreasing the ability for prolonged focus, and increasing their appetite for more stimuli.” This essentially means that long-winded educational materials may be a thing of the past.
Though the study addresses marketers, these same ideas have been applied to today’s learners. This means that businesses and organizations must tailor training to their audiences. Localized training is necessary even in today’s global business environment since adaptive training leads to effectiveness and retention.
So, How Does eLearning Localization and Microlearning Work Together?
It’s actually quite simple, it’s just a matter of adaptivity. Finding the right resources to help with the transition is all you really need, and there are many benefits too:
Save on Timing and Costs
Content is delivered in shorter bursts. Less content usually means less cost. If it costs less to develop the eLearning, it will also cost less to localize the eLearning. In addition, microlearning content is often easy to update. This same concept translates (pun intended) to updating localized courses. If it was easy to develop, chances are it is easy to update (no matter which language version). This allows for eLearning to be available for multiple language markets in a shorter amount of time.
Localization-Friendly Design
It is wise to keep 7 characteristics (https://elearningindustry.com/include-microlearning-characteristics-bits-in-design) for good microlearning design in mind. These characteristics emphasize short, effective sessions. Also, creating localization-friendly content is also highly effective. Our advice is to stay away from wordy, complex sentences whenever possible and microlearning content fits that bill!
Microlearning design should feel easily accessible and personally relevant. In the context of global eLearning, this is where localization comes in. When incorporating real-world exercises and examples, it is essential that these apply to global learners. Using in-country native speakers can help with this process.
If you plan on localizing any of your learning materials, whether it be microlearning or eLearning, we can help you with the transition. Simply fill out our short form and get a quote in 90 minutes or less!