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How Machine Translation Post-Editing Works and Saves You Money

Written by admin | Aug 6, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Translation projects can range from converting a few lines of text, or a single page into one language to localizing a company’s complete operating procedures and public presence into a number of languages to keep up with expansion.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution that covers every possible scenario, so your Language Service Provider (LSP) needs to have a cost-effective solution for each of your linguistic needs.

More often than not, in one form or another, this is going to include Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Machine Translation (MT). AI does the heavy lifting and to make sure the translation is accurate the human touch is added in the form of post-editing. Together, this is known as Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE).

In this article, we’ll look at the various forms of MTPE and how, in the right hands, it can be the answer to your translation requirements.

How MTPE Actually Works

MT uses software to analyze the input text and creates a translation based on the rules, dictionaries and term bases that have been created for your business. It stores information from previous translations and uses that knowledge to give you consistency in all your future translations.

Professional linguists then do the post-editing to ensure the accuracy of the translation, taking into account things like tone of voice, coherency, and terminology. The aim is to create consistency in the end text every time.

There are different levels of post-editing. Typically, the process falls into two categories:

  • Light post-editing (LPE) – This is a general pass over the document to fix obvious errors such as spelling mistakes or incorrect words.
  • Full post-editing (FPE) – This is a more detailed edit of the document that not only fixes the clear grammatical errors but also reviews the text to make sure it's in line with your brand and how you communicate.

Whether you need LPE or FPE will depend on what’s being translated (is it public-facing or just material to be archived and rarely seen?), your timescales, and your budget.

Obviously, FPE takes longer and costs more, but if there are legal or brand implications to the translations you want to make sure they are 100% accurate.

The Benefits of MTPE

There are a number of reasons why MTPE makes sense when you’re streamlining your translation process. They tend to be based on these three high-level benefits:

  • It’s cost-efficient – The software is doing most of the translating for you. Unlike humans, it can run 24/7, 365 days a year. The human post-editing is the more expensive part, and it’s greatly reduced.
  • It’s fast and scalable – MT can be done around the clock and if your requirements increase you can multiply the software load to achieve your goals.  
  • It’s consistent – The machine element will give you the same results time and time again.

How Quality is Maintained

The AI-powered MT is learning all the time. It’s drawing on your glossary, term base, and translation rules to provide a consistent output. The post-editing, the human touch, rounds out the Quality Assurance (QA) process.

This is the final pass which uses human logic and understanding to catch anything that may have been missed by the translation software. The level of post-editing, LPE or FPE, will determine the final quality of the translation in line with your requirements.

The Future of MTPE

So, where’s MTPE going? Well, with AI leading the way, it’s continuing to move away from just word-for-word translations and more towards contextual translations that require less post-editing.

The advances in MT technology mean more language subtleties can be addressed before the post-editing stage allowing human linguists to focus more on cultural nuances, dialects, and other factors that can make or break localization efforts.

It's Time to Embrace MTPE

So, MTPE is faster, more cost-effective, still involves the human touch to ensure accuracy and allows you to scale up your business and enter new markets rapidly.

One way or another, it’s going to make your life easier on your translation journey.

If you’ve got the right LSP, they’ll walk you through the process and know exactly how much post-editing is needed every step of the way.

Get a Quote for Your MTPE Translation Needs

If you're considering Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) for your projects, we're here to discuss how this innovative approach can meet your specific requirements.

Consultations are free and come with no obligation.

At LinguaLinx, we ensure your message is accurately conveyed, no matter the language. With ISO 17100 and ISO 9001 certifications, over twenty years of professional translation experience, and a proven track record with organizations worldwide, you can trust us to deliver precise, culturally sensitive translations every time.