Anyone who has spent time at the LinguaLinx office knows that no two days are alike. Sure, there are consistencies: Life Savers by the front door, snacks in the kitchen, branded stress balls everywhere. The rest is to be decided; every day brings new clients, projects, and challenges. As a global health pandemic is throwing new challenges at all of us, LinguaLinx is working through adversity to help our customers when they need us most.
On March 20th, just across the Hudson River from our office, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered the state into lockdown as Coronavirus cases surged downstate. In an instant, working from home went from a perk to a requirement. As the virus continued to spread, other states followed suit. Within weeks over sixteen million Americans transitioned to working from home. Millions of students, too, were sent home, expected to continue their studies remotely alongside their parents.
Quick action was required to move an entire office remote while managing a new wave of business. It was going to be difficult, but we were as prepared as we could be.
This past year, the LinguaLinx team spent nearly 2 months fully remote as our office was remodeled. We had the opportunity to adjust our practices and identify the tools we needed as we transitioned during the remodel.
Security has always been a priority for our clients and us, so investments were made to ensure company and client material would be secure under multiple roofs. Our staff was equipped with mobile workstations, Zoom phone systems, and other tools to easily stay connected. Despite minor technical difficulties, business kept on as usual.
Fast-forward to this March- and we had to make the same move in less time with more people. Luckily, the experience this past year made for a seamless transition when it mattered most.
The project material coming in from clients changed as fast as our setting. Public and private organizations need clear communication with employees, customers, students, and patients during this crisis. Amended company policies. School district announcements. New patient procedures. During this ongoing public health crisis, every project is a priority. Timeliness is mandatory, and quality cannot be sacrificed.
Flexibility has proven its value in a time like this. Hundreds of projects, thousands of words. We're all grateful to be working and able to help out companies and organizations who are being forced to rapidly adapt how they do business. Our minor inconveniences do not compare to the hardships of others. But when we eventually return to the "new normal," the need for companies to become more flexible and pivot faster isn't going to go away. As a translation company, we're always focused on communication. While we were prepared, these current events have reinforced even to us just how necessary adaptable, secure IT infrastructure and communication tools, and company planning is to success.